SERVICESYour health matters to us
In our gynaecological practice in Wesel, we offer the entire service range of a modern practice for gynaecology and obstetrics.
We will support you competently in any area of life, individually adjusted to your needs – from contraception to annual cancer screening, during pregnancy or for hormone consulting or alternative treatments during menopause.
Of course, we will also personally answer any questions you may have about our services.
Our services are directed to legally insured aswell as self-paying patients.
First time at the gynaecologist (teenager consultation)
Seeing a gynaecologist for the first time is particularly difficult for all girls and young women. Friends may have told them a bit about going to the gynaecologist, but many questions usually remain unanswered.
In our teenager consultation, we want to take away your fears and will gladly answer any questions you may have. If you do not have any acute or recurring complaints, we usually do not need to examine your on the gynaecological chair during your first visits. Our personal talk is more important: to begin with, it will be about your cycle, your monthly bleeding, fertility and contraception.
The product range of contraceptives is large. Not every contraceptive is suitable for every woman, however. We will gladly provide detailed advice about many different methods – from natural family planning to different types of pill, spirals and sterilisation.
Pregnancy and the birth of a child are an exciting and wonderful time. It is also a time in which your body will go through great changes and insecurities, and questions and fears will occur. This is normal and understandable. We are always available to you to make sure that you feel informed and well cared for, both during and after your pregnancy.
We offer personal advice and will supply you with detailed information. You can decide what your prenatal care should look like and which examinations are relevant.
We offer the following in the scope of statutory prenatal care:
- Preventive examination
- Ultrasound (at every visit)
Desire to have children
It is quite normal not to get pregnant very quickly. Many complex processes are necessary to make a woman pregnant. If the desired child does not come, however, couples quickly start to get insecure. Their time is then characterised by long waiting and disappointment.
A couple who has not achieved pregnancy after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse is deemed involuntarily childless. Estimates suggest that this applies to about 12 – 15% of all couples of reproductive age. In more than 50% of the involuntarily childless couples, medical treatment will help make the wish for a child come true after all.
We will first discuss your patient history in a detailed initial talk. Then various examinations (hormone and sperm diagnostics and, if necessary, examination of your fallopian tubes with a contrast ultrasound examination) will be performed. Finally, we will try to find a solution together that matches your specific situation in life.
We will gladly inform you in detail about the required diagnostic and therapeutic steps.
During menopause, women once again go through great hormonal changes. For many women, this starts between the ages of 48 and 52. It can take roughly ten years. This is not an illness, but the natural beginning of a new life phase.
As menstruation ceases, the body’s production of oestrogens and sexual hormones ceases, which may cause symptoms such as hot flushes, sweating, problems sleeping, tachycardia, reduced physical capacities or even depression.
Please contact us if you suffer from any of the symptoms named or have any questions about menopause.
Cancer screening
If you are insured in statutory health insurance, you have an annual claim to the following preventive services according to the early recognition guidelines for cancer:
From the 20th year of life onwards:
Collection of patient history, blood pressure measurement, conventional cell smear at the cervix (PAP-test), gynaecological palpation examination, counselling and further clarification
What is a PAP-test?
Two smears are taken at the cervix, then dyed and examined for changes under the microscope. This permits discovery and discrimination of inflammatory changes to the cells and possible preliminary stages of cancer and cancer cells.
Additionally from age 30 onwards:
Additional palpation examination of the breast and associated lymph nodes
Additionally from age 50 onwards:
Additional rectal palpation examination
Test for occult blood in the stool (annually until the age of 55, then only every 2 years)
Mammography screening every 2 years; you will be invited by mail (until the age of 69)
Additionally from age 56 to 66:
Claim to a total of 2 colonoscopies (early recognition colonoscopies) at an interval of 10 years or one test for occult blood in the stool every 2 years
Vaccinations are very important to promote health in all phases of life.
The standard vaccinations include, among others:
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Tetanus
- Diphtheria
- Polio
- Pertussis (whooping cough)
We recommend vaccination against human papilloma viruses (HPV) before your first sexual intercourse. This protects against HPV infections and thus from contracting cervical cancer.
In particular if you currently want to become pregnant, you should deal with the subject of vaccinations and have your current vaccination record checked by your gynaecologist. During pregnancy, there is the risk that viruses and bacteria will pass from the mother to the unborn child via the placenta. Possible consequences include: premature birth or miscarriage, deformation or damage to the nervous system. Only complete vaccination helps prevent complications during pregnancy.
Women who want to have a baby in particular must be protected against:
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Chickenpox
- Whooping cough
The expectant father and all persons who will come into contact with the child should also be vaccinated against whooping cough. Whooping cough can be very dangerous to infants.
We will gladly check your vaccination record during your next visit.
Vaginal infection
Vaginal infections are some of the most frequent infectious diseases in women of sexual age.
Causes include viruses, fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms (protozoans). 5 % of all patients experience vaginal infections without any visible symptoms, which means that they often remain unnoticed until the gynaecologist finds the infection during a check-up.
Causes of vaginal infections may be:
- Physical skin irritation by tight clothing or synthetic fibres
- Changing sexual partners
- Foreign bodies (diaphragms, contraception ring, tampons),
- Visiting swimming baths, sauna, whirlpools, steam baths
- Stress and weakened immune defence
- Allergic reactions to care products
- Unhealthy eating, diabetes, smoking, alcohol, caffeine
- Medicines (antidepressants, antibiotics, flu medicines, allergy medicines/antihistamines)
- Wrong or excessive feminine hygiene
- Endogenous self-infection with own intestinal bacteria due to weakened immune system
If you have any symptoms that include burning, itching or strong discharge, you should have yourself checked for infection. Feel free to contact us about an appointment for an examination.
Vaginal atrophy and dryness
Women in menopause often experience a number of symptoms, including vaginal dryness, itching, pain during intercourse, reduced libido and lower elasticity and suppleness of the vagina. This condition is also called vaginal atrophy.
Most physical and mental changes that occur during menopause can affect the quality of one’s sex life in a relationship. Most urogenital symptoms that occur during menopause are caused by reduced oestrogen production in the ovaries. The genital epithelium tissue slowly thins, the vaginal mucosa loses thickness and reduces its function.
For this reason, hormonal treatment has long been the gold standard for postmenopausal symptoms.
The Juliet laser treatment by Asclepion is a minimally invasive treatment with the target of restoring the original metabolism of adhesive tissue and improving the condition of the mucosa by stimulating new collagen formation. This restores the metabolism in the adhesive tissue and improves the condition of the mucosa. This in turn alleviates the symptoms, which is evident at once after the first treatment. The internal mucosa becomes elastic and moist again. Itching, irritation and pain during intercourse disappear. This effect continues positively after treatment. Many women report that further improvement can be felt for a full month after treatment.
Vaginal relaxation syndrome (VRS)
Vaginal relaxation syndrome (VRS) means impairment of the optimal structure of the vagina. This is generally caused by aging and in particular in connection with giving birth. When vaginal relaxation develops, the vaginal skin will become loose, which is evident in reduced suppleness, strength, control and support. This often causes a feeling of reduced suppleness and impairs sexual satisfaction. Most women (and their partners) colloquially call VRS “vaginal looseness” and complain about the loss of elasticity. This is directly connected to reduced elasticity during intercourse, and therefore also to impairment or loss of sexual lust.
Juliet laser treatment by Asclepion is a minimally-invasive treatment with the target of restoring the original metabolism of the adhesive tissues and improving the condition of the vaginal skin. The inner skin becomes elastic and moist again. This effect continues positively after treatment. Many women report that they felt further improvement throughout the first month after treatment.
Stress incontinence
Stress incontinence is a common condition that is often found in women who have given birth for the first time. It is a form of urinary incontinence caused by a loss of support in the urea, usually as a result of damage to the supporting structures in the pelvic area after giving birth. Seeping out of small amounts of urine during physical activities that increase pressure on the abdominal area, such as coughing, sneezing and lifting, is characteristic for this.
Juliet laser treatment by Asclepion offers a minimally-invasive solution for this problem. The main mechanism is selective stimulation of the collagen synthesis in the submucosa (thin adhesive tissue layer below the actual mucosa). This restores the metabolism of the adhesive tissues and improves the mucosa, not only strengthening the inner walls of your vagina, but also functionally changing it, e.g. by restoring the function of your pelvic floor muscles.
The entire treatment takes less than 15 minutes and can be performed without anaesthesia. Weakening of the symptoms can be observed at once after the first treatment. This effect also continues positively after treatment. Many women report feeling further improvement during the first month after this treatment as well.